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Elite Stars Basketball League – Return to Play Protocol



     Elite Stars Elgin and The City of St. Thomas continue to work with Southwestern Public Health and the Province of Ontario to monitor the Covid-19 situation and will follow Public Health’s recommendations. The health, safety, and well-being of our community (participants, instructors, staff and guests) will remain our top priority.


     We remind all patrons of the importance of physical distancing and encourage everyone to practice ways to minimize close contact to help prevent virus transmission while going about your activity.

Face coverings required for everyone entering the facility, must be worn at all times while in all public space when not on the court participating in sport activity.


     It is very important that we ALL follow the rules and guidelines set out. We at Elite Stars think it is very important for people to practice good physical health, as it contributes to good mental health. If we do not follow these rules, we will not be allowed to continue to use the facility.

1. All participants must:

  A. Be fully vaccinated if you are 12 years or older. Proof of vaccination must be shown with proper identification at the front doors of the arena. If proof is not shown, you will not be permitted to enter the building.

  B. Complete a COVID-19 Self-Assessment 1 hour prior to game time. It will be located at under 'COVID-19 Self-Assessment' at the top of the page. This does not have to be sent to me. It is for your use only.

  C. Complete a COVID-19 Risk Waiver form with a parent/guardian to complete the registration process. (1 time only)

2. A 30-day log will be kept for all participants who enter the facility for tracking purposes.

3. Do not enter the facility if:

  A. You have travelled outside of Ontario within the last 14 days.

  B. You have symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell.

  C. Someone in your household has experienced COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days.

  D. If anyone in your household has been exposed to someone who has or is recovering from COVID-19.

4. Gymnasium use & guidelines:

  A. A maximum of 30 participants permitted in the gym at a time.

  B. Only participants are allowed on the gym floor - players, coaches, referees, scorekeepers, videographers, supervisors, and any others with permission. All other people must enter through the mezzanine doors upstairs and participate as spectators.

  C. Maximum 50 spectators allowed - Spectators aged 12 and over must be fully vaccinated to enter. Proof of vaccination must be shown with proper identification at the front doors of the arena. If proof is not shown, you will not be permitted to enter the building.

  D. Non marking indoor shoes only. Outdoor shoes will be left at a designated spot.

  E. We are permitted to use the gym and washroom only. No change rooms and no entry into the facility is permitted.

  F. Entry will be the west Main Entry doors - follow all signage.

  G. Exit will be the west Gymnasium doors.

  H. No outside food or beverage. Personal (marked) water bottles are permitted.

  I. Users must not exceed applicable and current gathering restrictions as per local health unit.

  J. Everyone must follow physical distancing rules in the parking lot and inside facility.

5. Arrival and Departure:

  A. Participants must arrive fully prepared for activity and their own required equipment.

  B. We strongly encourage all to limit what is brought into the facility.

  C. Follow all signage as posted inside and outside the facility.

  D. Please only come for your game. If participants have arrived for the next game, they will not be permitted to enter the gym until the current game is complete and the participants have exited.

  E. Participants must abide the 3 metre physical distancing rule while entering and exiting the facility.

  F. Each game will finish 10 minutes to the hour, no matter the time left in the game and the group will exit. Once everybody has exited, Elite Stars staff will sanitize all high touch points and areas used, including benches, washrooms, basketball, and door handles.

  G. 3 balls will be on site: a game ball and 2 warmup balls, which will be sanitized between games. No other equipment will be available.

6. User code of conduct

  A. Please ensure you are aware of the procedures and the importance of physical distancing upon entering the facility. Please relay the importance of this information to your kids.

  B. Everyone entering the facility should ensure they are not touching anything that is not necessary. Proceed to your designated space.

  C. No wandering around or loitering outside the gym. Please wait in your vehicle until the doors are opened, and when leaving, head straight back to your vehicle.

  D. We must not exceed any applicable gathering restriction. I will lose my permit.

  E. Horseplay among participants is not permitted. Any behaviour contrary to our guidelines may result in immediately leaving the facility.

  F. It is the expectation that everyone entering the facility respect and adhere to all protocols and directives.

© 2013 by Elite Stars Elgin. Proudly made by Jesse Foster.

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